Friday, January 6, 2012

Dinghy Concert 2012

We attended a Dinghy Concert very near where Moondance is anchored. This was the first concert of the year. A tugboat hauls a concrete barge to a chosen spot and anchors it off. Then the tug and the barge are used as the stage. There were a lot of familiar faces and everyone had a great time.

Charles and Pat shaking a leg.

Kim and Joe limin'.

Bab's and Tim limin'.

Just chillin'.

Holiday of Joe

After all the Christmas and New Years celebrations we all got together with Joe and Kim and rented a Catamarin for Joe's birthday. (The Festival of Joe)

Following are a few pictures of the motley crew having fun. Joe fished between stops and caught 3 blackifn tunas. One was eaten in half by a much bigger fish before he could get it to the boat. We suspect it was a wahoo.

We stopped over at Molinier point and snorkeled on the various underwater statues.

The guys.

The gals.

For more pictures go to