Here are the pictures of Black Point. We found this to be the most honest and laid back island of all, a real jewel, and the best coconut bread we've found so far was at Lorraines.

Willy Rolles house (Garden of Eden). For a donation he gives you a tour and shows you the native trees and plants.

The ever important mail boat. Throughout the islands mail boats carry people, produce, products and everything else imaginable to and from the islands. Even the mail. It comes in once a week and is a big affair.

A picture of Moondance in the harbor. On this walk we picked two wild coconuts and cleaned them and later Carolyn made home made coconut cream pie. Yum, Yum.
This is a blow hole where a very large sray of water shoots up. There are many on the islands.

Local kids after school having fun at the dinghy dock.

This is the Exuma Sound side of the island.

Pizza time at DeShamon's.

Cruisers enjoying pizza and cold brewskies.
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